
How To Solve Problems

The age old human endeavour, solving problems is an ability and a burden for the human race. Ever since we faced adversity, either from others, from the world or from creatures, solving problems has been a necessity for our species.

But how exactly do we solve a problem? Are all problems solved in the same way?

It is inevitable when living life that there will be problems that come up. Because of this frequency, they have been well documented and well remembered. Using these metal and physical records is a primary way of solving a problem.

While each problem is different, the method of solving them remains the same each time. It is possible to approach each problem the same way using this problem solving method.

Define > Assess > Decide > Implement > Evaluate

This is a template that can be applied to all problems. Of course, each problem will have its variations, and this template is more of a guide than a definite solution. However, following the steps at least roughly will bring you to a resolution.